Strategic Partners
Strategic Partners
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi. In business, developing key relationships and aligning with industry experts is key. At Ngāti Whare Holdings Ltd, we understand that together we can achieve more and proud to partner with other likeminded businesses to further the economic advancement of Ngāti Whare.
CNI Iwi Collective is a confederation of eight iwi from the Central North Island (CNI) region who are part of the CNI Forests Collective Settlement. The whenua was transferred by the Crown into a trust holding entity called CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd until Mana Whenua is resolved.
Iwi Collective Partnership is a limited partnership established by and for the benefit of its tribal Members. Specialising in commercial fishing rights and kaitiakitanga (responsible fishing), they are proud to be New Zealand’s largest tribal fisheries collective. They firmly believe that working together collectively provides better financial returns and provides greater social and cultural benefits.
Te Ohu Kaimoana was established to advance the interests of Māori in fishing and fisheries-related activities and to return valuable fisheries assets and funds from the Settlement to iwi organisations. The Trust is managed by a corporate trustee, Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited which is central to administering, protecting and enhancing the Fisheries Settlement to ensure that funds are delivered to iwi and ultimately all Māori. Te Ohu Kaimoana has been structured to ensure the fisheries settlement endures for future generations of Māori and maintains robust accountability to its constituent iwi shareholders, who have collective responsibilities to all Māori.
Te Uru Rākau is focused on supporting the planting of exotic and indigenous forests, sustainable forestry management, programmes like the Emissions Trading Scheme, and forestry grants.
At Darling Group, they are focused on bringing their brand an essence of ‘family, fresh, fun’ to the world 365 days a year. Their purpose is to help the world eat healthier – everyday and they achieve this by growing, packing and exporting a year-round supply of premium fresh produce from international origins including Australasia and North America.
Craigs are one of New Zealand’s leading investment advisory firms and investing is their specialty. The advice they offer through their network of investment advisers is a huge advantage in achieving our investment goals.
Milford is a specialist investment firm who invest in New Zealand, its businesses and its people. Milford’s investment specialists take an active, hands-on approach to investing by working closely with businesses to have a greater understanding of who we invest in and the risks and rewards on offer.
Westpac offers smart, straightforward, flexible and cost-effective banking services to make it easier for their clients to run their business.
GHA provide accounting and consulting services to empower Māori organisations to control and manage their financial resources and develop innovative and effective solutions to the challenges and opportunities that they face.